RESILIENCE helps you survive cancer with a strong heart

RESILIENCE participates in the European Researchers Night in Madrid

RESILIENCE Project will participate on Friday, September 29th in the XIV European Researchers Night in Madrid with an activity in which the public of all ages can attend, free of charge, with prior registration. The “RESILIENCE Workshop and laboratory visit. Surviving cancer with a strong heart” where we will have the opportunity of getting closer […]

RESILIENCE broadens the spectrum of patients who may benefit from entering the trial

The RESILIENCE trial has expanded its inclusion criteria to allow more types of lymphoma to be included in the trial. These changes are proposed after having agreed with the recruiting hospitals. To date, only patients with a specific type of lymphoma (non-Hodgkin) were included, but after a careful study by the research team, it has […]

Initial visit at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital

On Friday June 16th we made the initial visit at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid and it is with great pleasure that we welcome this Hospital to our RESILIENCE project, in which we work hard every day to help people survive cancer with a strong heart. During the visit we met with the […]

Hospital 12 de Octubre joins RESILIENCE

On Thursday June 1st Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre  in Madrid has joined the RESILIENCE project and it will most probably begin to recruit patients in the coming weeks. Hospital 12 de Octubre obtained in 2020 the Best in Class (BIC) Award for the Best Service in Hematology and Hemotherapy, the BIC for the Best Service […]

RESILIENCE Steering Committee and General Assembly session

On Friday May 12th our RESILIENCE Steering Committee and General Assembly session were held at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Madrid. The meetings counted on the support of all the partners of the project financed by the European Commission, both national and international, as well as members of the external scientific advisory […]

Gregorio Marañón Hospital joins RESILIENCE

It is a great satisfaction for us to inform you that on Monday April 17th Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid has joined the RESILIENCE project. The Hospital will begin to recruit patients in the coming weeks with the aim of strengthening the hearts of people undergoing cancer treatment with anthracyclines. At the Hospital […]

Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital joins RESILIENCE

RESILIENCE grows every day with the incorporation of new centers that expand the network of influence of our project, whose objective is to help people undergoing cancer treatment with anthracyclines to continue their lives with a strong heart. The latest addition has been the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves in Granada, with whom we […]

Virgen del Rocío University Hospital now recruiting

On Tuesday March 14th we met with a team of Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville to share the training of our RESILIENCE project and thus begin its recruitment of patients. Four experts from our project, Irene Sempere, Noemí Escalera, Andrea Moreno and Javier Sánchez, met with the specialists from the Hospital, Rocío Jiménez, […]

Henri Becquerel Center joins RESILIENCE

We are happy to announce that the Henri Becquerel Center in France is now open for patient recruitment. Congratulations to the whole team! A total of 9 Spanish and European hospitals are already collaborating with the project, which translates into a greater scope of the benefits that this therapy can offer. We will continue to […]

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Are you a patient participating in RESILIENCE? Here you will find useful information about the details of your participation, activities specifically designed for you. You will also be able to contact RESILIENCE researchers.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data of natural persons (GDPR), the personal information you have provided will be incorporated into the data processing systems of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) for the purpose of attending your registration application in the restricted area for patients participating in the RESILIENCE study. The legal basis for processing your personal data for this purpose is your explicit consent. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any recipients other than those to whom you authorise or when required by law to do so. You may exercise your rights of access, right to rectification, to object, to erasure, to restriction of processing, data portability and not to be subject to automated individual decision-making. To exercise these rights, as well as to obtain additional information about the processing of your personal data, you can consult the following link Terms and Conditions