RESILIENCE hjælper dig med at overleve kræft med et stærkt hjerte


Shopping guide for healthy eating

A healthy lifestyle accompanied by a varied and balanced diet can prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, in today’s society where rush and stress sometimes take the lead of people’s lives, it can be easy falling into a diet based on processed foods. With the aim of helping people increase the consumption

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Our patients are the heart of the RESILIENCE project

In April 2024 we have organized patient encounters in different locations in which we debated the following topics: We greatly appreciate the involvement and contributions made by the patients and their families in these encounters. By sharing their needs with us we may get to know aspects to improve and

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Logotipo Resilience

Er du en patient, der deltager i RESILIENCE-forsøget? Her finder du nyttige oplysninger om detaljerne i din deltagelse og aktiviteter specielt designet til dig. Du vil også kunne kontakte RESILIENCE-forskerne direkte.

Dine data anvendes til at besvare forespørgsler, sende kommunikation og udføre statistiske analyser. For mere information om behandlingen og dine rettigheder henvises til privatlivspolitikken.