RESILIENCE hilft Ihnen, Krebs mit einem starken Herzen zu überleben


Rationale and design of RESILIENCE: A prospective randomized clinical trial evaluating remote ischaemic conditioning for the prevention of anthracycline cardiotoxicity 

Anthracyclines, alone or in combination, remain the first-line therapy for many cancers, including various forms of lymphoma, breast cancer, leukaemia, melanoma, and uterine and gastric cancers. Every year, anthracyclines are administered to >3 million European citizens to treat a first cancer. The curative potential of anthracycline therapy is determined by

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Environmental cardiology: what it is and how it affects us

Did you know that air pollution is recognized as a cardiovascular risk factor? This is why the term “environmental cardiology” was created, referring to studies on the incidence of pollution on cardiovascular health. According to data provided by the Spanish Heart Foundation, environmental pollution causes 8.8 million deaths a year

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Shopping guide for healthy eating

A healthy lifestyle accompanied by a varied and balanced diet can prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, in today’s society where rush and stress sometimes take the lead of people’s lives, it can be easy falling into a diet based on processed foods. With the aim of helping people increase the consumption

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Our patients are the heart of the RESILIENCE project

In April 2024 we have organized patient encounters in different locations in which we debated the following topics: We greatly appreciate the involvement and contributions made by the patients and their families in these encounters. By sharing their needs with us we may get to know aspects to improve and

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