RESILIENCE helps you survive cancer with a strong heart

Shopping guide for healthy eating

A healthy lifestyle accompanied by a varied and balanced diet can prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, in today’s society where rush and stress sometimes take the lead of people’s lives, it can be easy falling into a diet based on processed foods. With the aim of helping people increase the consumption of beneficial food for their […]

Our patients are the heart of the RESILIENCE project

In April 2024 we have organized patient encounters in different locations in which we debated the following topics: We greatly appreciate the involvement and contributions made by the patients and their families in these encounters. By sharing their needs with us we may get to know aspects to improve and help them feel more comfortable […]

Intermittent fasting: how does it influence cardiovascular health?

We are increasingly aware of the need to eat a balanced diet and follow habits that help us strengthen our health, for this reason, intermittent fasting is a topic currently under the spotlight. Some people defend it for its multiple benefits and others are against its practice, alleging potential health risks if done without the […]

20 minutes a day of exercise to tackle the effects of a sedentary lifestyle

With the beginning of the year and the establishment of new challenges and objectives to meet, gyms fill their registrations with new subscribers in search of physical activity. But how much time of exercise is necessary to really obtain benefits for our health? Dr. Valentín Fuster, General Director of the Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular […]

Early detection of cancer: How can it be managed and what are its advantages?

Currently, thanks to the progress in research and development of effective cancer therapies carried out by the health scientist, the number of people who manage to overcome this disease is increasing.Early detection of cancer increases the percentage of success in its cure and, therefore, at RESILIENCE we want to share with you in this post […]

What do RESILIENCE patients think about it?

Mesa redonda pacientes RESILIENCE

To guarantee our approach to the patients participating in the RESILIENCE clinical trial, and offer them the opportunity to exchange experiences of their participation in the clinical trial in a safe space, we regularly organize round tables between them and our medical team. In these debates the patients can share their feelings closely, providing valuable […]

Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas: what is the difference?

Excerpt: All lymphomas originate from a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes, but there are different types, and they behave, spread and respond to treatment differently. Cancer appears when cells that have some abnormality reproduce uncontrollably. There are many different types, but we can group them into two main categories: hematological cancers, which originate […]

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Are you a patient participating in RESILIENCE? Here you will find useful information about the details of your participation, activities specifically designed for you. You will also be able to contact RESILIENCE researchers.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data of natural persons (GDPR), the personal information you have provided will be incorporated into the data processing systems of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) for the purpose of attending your registration application in the restricted area for patients participating in the RESILIENCE study. The legal basis for processing your personal data for this purpose is your explicit consent. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any recipients other than those to whom you authorise or when required by law to do so. You may exercise your rights of access, right to rectification, to object, to erasure, to restriction of processing, data portability and not to be subject to automated individual decision-making. To exercise these rights, as well as to obtain additional information about the processing of your personal data, you can consult the following link Terms and Conditions