RESILIENCE helps you survive cancer with a strong heart

Are fats healthy?

For many decades it has been considered that a diet rich in fat was harmful to health, however, the evidence on which this idea is based has been confusing and never definitive. During that time in which the fatty diet was considered a great enemy, it has been interpreted that sugar was more benign for […]

Heart failure in summer: advice for patients

People with this condition face more problems when removing heat from the body and their heart can be overloaded, so it is essential to prevent risky situations. Heat, new routines, variations in diet… Summer brings changes in our lives, but people with health problems should take extreme precautions in these months. Did you know that […]

Diet in cancer patients

Cancer treatments can cause side effects that make it difficult to eat correctly, but it is essential to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to contribute to an adequate recovery from the disease. Lack of appetite, nausea, changes in taste and smell or dry mouth are some of the side effects that sometimes hinder feeding […]

How to help a loved one with cancer?

Supporting a friend or family member with this disease is not always easy, but there are some guidelines that can help manage it. Cancer is increasingly present in our lives. Facing the diagnosis and dealing with the disease is complicated for the patient, but also for their loved ones.  We cannot prevent the pain that […]

Quality of life after cancer

One of the problems that oncology patients may face are diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, both during treatment and once the disease has been overcome. In the next twenty years the incidence of cancer could increase by 70%, according to WHO estimates. Half of all patients will survive for at least a decade, […]

Erythritol and sugar: how do they affect health?

Scientific studies link these sweeteners to the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is a fact that excessive sugar consumption is detrimental to health, as has been proven in several scientific studies. For this reason, in recent years the food industry has focused its efforts on finding a substitute that reduces caloric intake and […]

Healthy lifestyle habits and cancer

Healthy lifestyle habits are crucial to prevent cancer, but also to cope with cancer treatment and to recover physically and emotionally once the disease has been cured. Nowadays we often hear the word cancer, since the increase in life expectancy and the improvement in the early detection of this disease mean that today this pathology […]

The research pathway: from the laboratory to the hospital

Oncology research can be performed at the basic or clinical level, although the ideal is to connect both sectors to transform achievements in the laboratory into real changes for patients. In recent years, the field of oncology has made impressive advances. However, much of the progress made in laboratories is barely translated into effective changes […]

Treatment and prognosis of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a disease that can be approached from different treatment alternatives. However, its prognosis depends on the type of lymphoma in question, with the most aggressive ones being the most responsive to therapy. When a person receives a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, it is important that both the patient and his or her […]

The importance of healthy nutrition for cancer patients

Healthy diet is an essential aspect during cancer treatment. Some guidelines can be helpful to encourage the patient to eat a balanced and sufficient diet. Adequate nutrition is one of the keys to overall good health. When a person suffers from a disease such as cancer, the adequacy of their diet is not only important, […]

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Are you a patient participating in RESILIENCE? Here you will find useful information about the details of your participation, activities specifically designed for you. You will also be able to contact RESILIENCE researchers.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data of natural persons (GDPR), the personal information you have provided will be incorporated into the data processing systems of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) for the purpose of attending your registration application in the restricted area for patients participating in the RESILIENCE study. The legal basis for processing your personal data for this purpose is your explicit consent. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any recipients other than those to whom you authorise or when required by law to do so. You may exercise your rights of access, right to rectification, to object, to erasure, to restriction of processing, data portability and not to be subject to automated individual decision-making. To exercise these rights, as well as to obtain additional information about the processing of your personal data, you can consult the following link Terms and Conditions