RESILIENCE te ayuda a sobrevivir al cáncer con un corazón fuerte

Remote Ischemic Conditioning for Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity The Need to Protect the Most Vulnerable

This article is authored by 2 PIs of RESILIENCE (María Gomes-Silva from IPO Lisbon & Borja Ibanez from CNIC Spain). This editorial summarizes the results of the 2 first trials testing remote ischemic conditioning in the context of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. In this article, the 2 trials are described and their results put into perspective of resilience. The main message of the article is that trials testing cardioprotective interventions in the field of anthracycline cardiotoxicity should enroll patients at the highest risk for this adverse outcome. RESILIENCE is enrolling this type of patients and thus it is on the right track!

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