RESILIENCE helps you survive cancer with a strong heart

How to prevent cancer

Preventing a significant number of types of cancer is possible if we follow some basic measures related to our lifestyle.

Cancer is a well-known disease because of how common it is and, at the same time, it is one of the most feared pathologies due to its seriousness. Cancer is currently the leading cause of death in the world, with almost 10 million people dying from cancer in 2020. In general, the most common types of cancer are breast, lung, colon and rectum, and prostate.

The good news is that cancer is preventable. Do not expect magic recipes or extraordinary measures, because what science supports undoubtly are everyday actions that, although they may seem obvious, in practice are not always fulfilled.

Here are some measures that, if integrated into our lifestyle, can help us prevent more than 40% of cancers.

3 measures to prevent cancer

With a small handful of measures we can reduce the probability of suffering cancer. Let’s get to know them.

1. Practice physical exercise

Sport makes us feel good, strengthens us and helps us prevent diseases such as cancer. It also helps us to release endorphins, chemicals that significantly improve our mood. If you are not very athletic, you should know that it is not necessary to perform a very demanding training to benefit from physical exercise. You can carry out an infinite number of activities adjusted to your capacity: walking for half an hour at a brisk pace, swimming, playing tennis, cycling and even walking your dog. The point is that you should not sit still all day, you might appreciate giving your body a daily dose of activity. When you introduce sport into your routine you can gradually get used to it and increase the intensity to a level you feel comfortable with.

2. Do not drink alcohol

This point may be more difficult for you to comply with, since alcohol is present in virtually all meetings and social events. In spite of its enormous acceptance, it is indisputable that it is a drug and that it is behind an infinity of cancers, especially liver, mouth, esophagus, larynx and stomach cancer. Contrary to popular belief, there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption. If you tend to drink frequently, you can start by reducing the dose, although the ideal is always to completely remove this substance from your lifestyle.

3. Protect yourself from the sun

If there is something that until not long ago has been trivialized, it is the effect of the sun on our skin. Whenever you are exposed to the sun, you should take protective measures such as using sunscreen all year round, wearing clothes that protect your skin and seeking shade without unnecessary exposure to the sun rays.

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