RESILIENCE ajuda você a sobreviver ao câncer com um coração forte


Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital joins the RESILIENCE project

Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital in Madrid has joined the RESILIENCE project in August with the aim of collaborating with us to reduce the prevalence of chronic heart failure in cancer survivors. Dr. Arancha Alonso, hematologist at the Hospital and principal investigator of this center in RESILIENCE believes that “the

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Save the date! Open activities RESILIENCE in September and November

In the framework of the European Researchers’ Night and the Science and Innovation Week to be celebrated in Madrid on September and November, our team RESILIENCE has planned two activities open to public of all ages upon registration. There will be two workshops and roundtables under the title “RESILIENCE: Survive

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Evolution of RESILIENCE

Newsletter N.10, June 2024 This Project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945118 Evolution of RESILIENCE We continue working for the growth of the project because for us every patient counts ❤ Interviews Dr. Maria Gomes Da Silva

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Patient encounter: stories of resilience and improvement

Since we started the RESILIENCE project, we have held regular encounters with our patients, and family members who wish to attend, along with members of our team. We believe these gatherings are a fruitful experience in which they have the chance of sharing their needs with us so we may

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Amsterdam UMC Hospital joins RESILIENCE

It is a great satisfaction for us to announce the incorporation of the Amsterdam UMC Hospital to the RESILIENCE project on November 8th. Amsterdam UMC is one of the largest academic hospitals in the Netherlands and consists of 2 centers: The Amsterdam UMC located at the AMC (Academic Medical Center)

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On the press

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