RESILIENCE helps you survive cancer with a strong heart

Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital joins the RESILIENCE project

Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital in Madrid has joined the RESILIENCE project in August with the aim of collaborating with us to reduce the prevalence of chronic heart failure in cancer survivors.

Dr. Arancha Alonso, hematologist at the Hospital and principal investigator of this center in RESILIENCE believes that “the participation in this trial is very important for our hospital, since in addition to offering the best existing treatment to our patients with lymphoma, we can offer them to participate in a study that may help to further improve their prognosis.”

RESILIENCE is a multinational project in which twelve partners from six countries of the European Union participate (Spain, France, Holland, Portugal, Germany and Denmark), working together under the coordination of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), with the aim of reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in cancer survivors.

The Health Research Institute of the Jiménez Diaz Foundation (IIS-FJD) and the Cardiovascular Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBERCV) are the partners of the project that channel the participation of thirteen Spanish hospitals, which are now joined by three hospitals in Madrid: Ruber Juan Bravo, Infanta Leonor University Hospital of Vallecas and Prince of Asturias University Hospital of Alcalá de Henares.

Dr. Borja Ibáñez, coordinator of the RESILIENCE project, scientific director of CNIC, cardiologist at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation Hospital in Madrid and group leader at CIBER for cardiovascular diseases, states that “there are two major unresolved clinical needs in relation to the cardiotoxicity associated with the use of anthracyclines, the lack of therapies capable of preventing or curing this condition and the absence of specific markers to identify the problem in its early stages.”

The RESILIENCE project has received funding of 6 million euros to carry out a randomized clinical trial that analyzes the role of ‘remote ischemic preconditioning’ as an intervention capable of preventing the development of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity.

With the aim of reducing heart failure in patients with lymphoma undergoing treatment with anthracyclines, the recruitment of more than 600 patients is planned in hospitals in the six aforementioned countries of the European Union and we are glad to welcome the three new hospitals joining now the project in Madrid.

Read the full press release here (in Spanish).

Ruber Juan Bravo University Hospital joins the RESILIENCE project

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